The history

Mathieson Consulting was founded by George Mathieson in 2007 and started out primarily focused on providing expert witness reports for solicitors in relation to pension matters upon divorce. Back in them days, George ran the business from the spare bedroom in the family home, but it has grown somewhat in the years since!

In 2010 the business finally got a home of its own in central Birmingham. It expanded to take on a dedicated pensions administration team, and workloads increased leading to the recruitment of other report writers to work alongside George.

In 2013, the office relocated to Edgbaston, a pleasant suburb of Birmingham best known for the cricket ground—a passion of George’s, but not the main driver of the office’s location (honest)!
Since 2013 the business has diversified to provide advice on other pensions matters where there is a legal process, including loss of pension rights on injury or unfair dismissal, and we have also been involved in supporting solicitors defend claims when it has been alleged they were negligent in the way pensions in a divorce were handled. However, the bulk of Mathieson Consulting’s business still relates to pensions upon divorce.

2019 saw Mathieson Consulting become a subsidiary of Brewin Dolphin, now RBC Brewin Dolphin following the Royal Bank of Canada’s acquisition of Brewin Dolphin in 2022. Brewin Dolphin and now RBC Brewin Dolphin has supported Mathieson Consulting massively as it has continued to grow.

  • There was fresh investment in bespoke IT systems allowing the business to keep on top of ever-growing demands from clients, improve response times, allow remote working, and meet the demand for digital reports for insertion in e-bundles. It also allowed us to reduce our carbon footprint as printing reduced from 180,000 pages per year in 2020 to nil in 2022
  • In early 2020, the business secured a second home near Wetherby, North Yorkshire, and in turn this has driven further recruitment outside the existing West Midlands base. Headcount is now 20 and includes 4 actuaries.

All employees at Mathieson Consulting are rightly proud of being perceived to be at the forefront of Thought Leadership. George Mathieson led on the Pensions Advisory Group Report (PAG)  (1) and Jonathan Galbraith now does the same on PAG 2. It has had published numerous articles in leading Legal Journals explaining complex issues and challenging orthodoxy, and it will continue to do so.

Perhaps however, Mathieson Consulting’s biggest impact on pensions within family law, is just about to happen – The Galbraith tables. More about these tables can be found elsewhere on this site, but it is not hyperbole to suggest that these tables could radically change how pensions are valued for offsetting purposes in many cases.

Mathieson Consulting will continue to do what it is renowned for: producing the highest-quality expert witness reports in a form that can be understood by the reader and responding to the demands of the lawyers which instructs the firm. At the same time, now under the leadership of Jonathan Galbraith (FIA) (George remains a Consultant and Ambassador for Mathieson Consulting) the firm will ensure it not only remains at the forefront of Thought Leadership in Pensions and Divorce, but shares this knowledge with all lawyers in this space, and uses its very niche skills to increase its presence in other markets where such skills are required (loss of pension rights, for example).

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