POD Forms are required by a number of the public sector pension scheme administrators before a Cash Equivalent Value (CEV) can be provided for divorce purposes. Therefore, knowing when the form will be required and getting it completed by your client ASAP will help to reduce the time it takes to get your PODE Report.
The main public sector pension schemes are the National Health Service Pension Scheme (NHSPS), Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS), Armed Forces Pension Scheme (AFPS), Civil Service Pension Schemes (CSPSs), Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (FPS), and Police Pension scheme (PPS).
Each scheme has different requirements for the request to obtain a CEV for divorce purposes, which can also be dependent on the individual’s membership status i.e. whether the member is active in the scheme (accruing further benefits) or deferred (active service has ceased).
We attempt to stay ahead of the requirements for each scheme, but these forms are frequently being updated. To ensure that the correct form is used for each member, we have compiled a flyer which links directly to the scheme website, where the necessary paperwork can be found. Members can then download the most current version of the relevant form as supplied by the scheme.
As we are progressing cases where public sector pensions may be affected by the McCloud ruling, we are frequently having to ask for updated “post McCloud ruling” CEVs. Many members have already experienced delays following the remedy complications previously discussed, even where they may not be personally affected, but one thing which remains consistent when making these requests is that obtaining the correct request forms and submitting them with the scheme authorities helps to progress matters as swiftly as possible.
Whilst the time taken for public sector scheme administrators to provide CEVs is outside of our control, we hope that by providing this guidance link, we are ensuring that the member can easily fulfil the requirements, and so the CEV will be provided without any unnecessary delay. In this way we can both work towards the common goal of navigating the data collation process as quickly and as easily as possible so that the PODE report can be with you and your clients as quickly as possible.